Tag: deconstruction
The Parable of the Sower as a lens on deconstruction
I was reading through the Gospel of Luke today. I have in mind to just write a bunch of sermons based on the parables of Jesus; some sermons that are not connected to a series and I’d find useful when I’m invited to guest preach at churches. So while it’s not the first parable in…
two dangers to avoid in cultural translation
For the past several weeks, I’ve been slowly writing a long post about the cultural translation of the gospel for today with reference to Andrew Walls’s Ephesian Moment. It’s gotten long. And as I’m editing, there’s a large portion that pains me to cut because I spent so much time writing it so now it’s…
Unattached Deconstruction
When I was a pastor of a congregation I used to worry about those who were deconstructing their faith apart from a community. I was concerned because there’s just so much information out there that just isn’t well-vetted. A 30-second google search or a few minutes watching a short from your favorite tiktok theologian does…