preface / faith worth passing on
In the past year (2024) I’ve slowly been writing some reflection on life and faith but I’ve kept it in a side document. Now that it’s the end of the year, I’m realizing that this endeavor will take longer to write than I thought so I’m gonna slowly release what I have so far as…
reflections on one year: on the other side of fear (a letter to myself)
In this series In my final months in the PCA, I had a candid conversation with another member of the presbytery who understood and sympathized with why I was leaving. He said, “We’re sad to see you go. You are one of the good ones and they’re lucky to have you. I’d consider leaving too…
reflections on one year: forgiveness means to wish you well
In this series It’s taken me just as long to read my story as it took to write it, and the last parts were written shortly after attending a Blue Christmas service which is happening tonight. I guess no one is really holding me to a one-year window, but at the same time I really…
advent 2024: peace and joy
This will be two advent reflections in one as all my intentions last week to write for the week of peace have been delayed to now. peace I started the week of peace a bit of confusion, trying to distinguish it from the previous week of hope. I remember asking myself on Monday morning, How…
reflections on one year: one final “dear church”
In this series Over the years I’ve written several dear church posts to my former congregation that were reproduced on the church’s blog. This final one will remain on this site alone: Dear King’s Cross Church, Thank you. For a long time after my departure, it was difficult for me to see you all as…
advent 2024: hope
in adventToday is the first Sunday of Advent. In our home, we read the first story of the New Testament in The Book of Belonging. It begins, “We are called Beloved, but we feel forgotten.” I love that the first story in the New Testament enters into the Advent season without being shy about the turmoil…