Tag: brothers
new year's day – king's park hospital in LI
today the 3 yung brothers trekked out to LI get into the abandoned king’s park psychiatric hospital. herman wrote more about it on doobybrain so i’m just gonna post some pictures.
an old practice video
i’ve been on-and-off helping my brother implement a new layout for his blog and i end up running into old posts of his and i came across this video from a practice back in the old apartment. i think this is the winter after i graduated (2006) since we talk about moving to the new…
get a bike
i think getting a bike was one of the better investments i’ve made in the last year. if you live in new york, biking gets you places faster and cheaper…especially crosstown. and it’s good for the earth too. with the MTA fare hike coming… why don’t you have a bike??? my brothers and i each…
perks for helping herman with doobybrain from time to time. he first posted about it earlier this month. and received and reviewed yesterday. if you want one too they’re $25 but for being a friend of doobybrain you get a coupon–just enter “DOOBY_109” at checkout for 20% off!