Tag: food
weekend bbq
this weekend we had a great bbq at joe kim’s place in LIC. perfect weather for bbq! some pictures below. this is dave putting together our beer can (we used san pellegrino cans but put beer inside) chicken! (dave and susan did an awesome job marinating): our two birds sitting on the grill: perfection! we…
stand burger
my friend brian and i like to visit burger places in the city. today brian, terri and i went to a new place called Stand. pretty good burger. so good i forgot to take pictures of my own burger and i had to take pictures from afar of other people’s burgers for this post. they…
snow white bun
mei li wah used to make these buns more regularly but stopped after they got too popular (seriously what bakery stops making it when it’s too popular?!?!). i found some last week. so good.
gregorys coffee
this is gregorys coffee: [photo from Andrew B. via yelp.com] it’s a nice little coffee shop on park ave between 24th and 25th. there’s nothing super duper special about it. they don’t make coffee blends from all around the world or have fancy decor… but they make pretty good standard coffee. their pastrys aren’t too…
expiration date
date formats frustrate me. sometimes is year first, sometimes its month first (rarely if ever do i find the year in the middle). yesterday i wanted to make a peanut butter jelly sandwich and i looked at the jelly jar to double check if it was expired. the date said “08 08 09” how are…
burgers and snow
today i had a five guys burger for lunch. it’s been a long time. i was so happy to be at five guys that i took a picture so i could post about it. it was very yummy. and while at five guys it started to snow. like BIG CHUNKS of snow. i tried to…